Recent news

2024/8/5 Chen Xinyi's paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
2024/6/9 Dr. Zhao recieved Young Investigator Award in CASNMMI
2024/5/20 Chen Xinyi's talk received third prize in 4th National PET/MR conference
2024/4/19 We have three abstracts accepted by this year's SNMMI meeting, one is oral
2023/6/1 Dr. Sun presented his work in UC Davis Biomedical Imaging Webinar on March 23rd
2024/3/1 Dr. Sun's review about Total-body PET has been accepted by iRadiology
2024/1/20 Dr. Wang Zhenguo's paper was accepted by IEEE TMI
2024/1/20 Dr. Sun's paper was accepted by EJNMMI
2023/12/10 Dr. Sun's paper was accepted by Cancer Imaging
2023/8/10 Ding Jie's paper was accepted by Cerebral Cortex
2023/6/1 Dr. Sun will present total-body PET connectome project in Australian National Total-Body PET Webinar series on 6/20
2023/5/26 Dr. Sun has been nominated as Associate Editor in Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (JCR Q1)
2023/5/1 We have three abstracts accepted by this year's SNMMI meeting, two of them are oral!
2023/4/15 Dr. Wang Zhenguo have one abstract accepted by IEEE ISBI2023!